At g320's October 2019 AGM Denise Fowler, Chief Executive of Women's Pioneer Housing, joined g320's Executive Committee.

Denise is the Chief Executive of Women’s Pioneer Housing, having previously been the Housing Ombudsman for England.
Women’s Pioneer Housing is a women’s housing association and g320 member, which was established by suffragettes and suffragists in 1920.
Prior to this she was a senior lawyer in government, heading legal teams in three government departments: Communities and Local Government, Work and Pensions, and Health.
She has worked closely with senior ministers and policy officials and led major law reform programmes. Before joining the civil service she worked in the voluntary sector, local government and private practice as, variously, a housing lawyer and adviser and a partner in a legal aid practice.
Denise also co-founded and co-chairs the Women’s Housing Forum, which aims to raise awareness of the links between women’s housing needs and gender inequality.
The Forum’s ambition is to encourage social housing providers and other partners to work together to tackle the issues that women face in finding and keeping suitable housing.
The g320 Executive committee look forward to working closely with Denise and benefit from her drive and experience to represent smaller housing associations in London.