Our Executive Committee
The g320 is served by a committee who are elected annually at the AGM in the autumn. The executive meet quarterly.
On behalf of our members, we respond to consultation papers issued by the government and other bodies and act as the link between smaller associations.

Karen Cooper
g320 Chair
Karen Cooper is currently the Chief Executive of PCHA in South East London.
Karen is also the Director of KC Consulting, offering consultancy services to a range of small and specialist housing and support providers.
Before setting up her consultancy business in 2006, Karen was the Chief Executive of two community based housing associations and also held a number of non-executive roles in the sector and has been involved in the g320 since its inception.

Susan French
g320 Vice Chair
Susan French is Chief Executive of Barnsbury HA, a community-based housing association working in Islington.
Susan has previously worked at Hyde HA as Director for Customer Excellence, and more recently was a senior consultant at Campbell Tickell. She is on the Board of Industrial Dwellings Society.
As an Executive Member of the g320, she is interested in how small HAs can develop new homes and contribute to meeting London’s housing crisis.

Jonathan Card
Jonathan Card is the Chief Executive of Keniston HA, based in SE London.
With a background in operational management and service improvement, he has worked in the social housing sector since 1982, in a variety of different roles.
As a member of the g320 Executive his key interest is in helping the small HA sector to ‘punch above its weight’ both regarding the quality of what we do and how we contribute to new supply of genuinely affordable housing.

Heather Thomas
Heather has worked at a senior level in housing for over 20 years.
She is currently the Chief Executive of Sapphire Independent Housing, a general needs and supported housing provider based in North London.
Heather joined the committee in 2021 and is keen to have the voice of smaller housing providers heard.
Heather is also passionate about the role that affordable housing has to play in a safer and fairer society.

Linda Wallace
Linda Wallace has worked in housing for more than 30 years in the public and private sectors and in almost every discipline.
Since 2014 she has led CDS - an established social landlord which provides, promotes and supports CLH and hosts the London Community Led Housing Hub in partnership with the GLA.
Linda is passionate about enabling people to achieve their goals and about the power or people working together to achieve meaningful change.
She has been a member of the g320 since 2014 and on the Exec committee since 2015.

Fiona Humphrey
Fiona Humphrey has been Chief Executive of Providence Row Housing Association (PRHA), a Tower Hamlets based housing and support provider, since 2003.
PRHA provides accommodation and intensive support for homeless single people (in particular people who have been street homeless) and housing for local families in the borough.
She has worked in this sector for over 40 years, starting as a volunteer and then as a support worker for vulnerable people.

Matt Townsend
Matt Townsend is Chief Executive of Walterton and Elgin Community Homes, a resident owned and led Community Land Trust in Westminster.
Matt has previously been a senior leader for Housing Assocations in London and Cardiff, and also has held leadership roles in the homelessness sector and community development organisations.
He is a fellow of the School for Social Entrepreneurs and believes in empowering communities to find their own solutions to the challenges they face.